Hornell Model Railroad Club

Informal Information Session

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Wednesday November 13, 2002
7:30 pm
Free admission

Our layout is in the basement of the Steuben County Courthouse in Hornell, New York.
Park behind Friendly's Restaurant and walk around to the front of the courthouse to our entrance.

Here are the directions to our layout with a map and pictures.

The announcement said this will be an "informal session" so we haven't set up any agenda as such.

We plan to start out by introducing some of our club members and have them briefly tell you what part of the hobby interests them the most.

After that we will show a short video tape called "Model Trains: The World's Greatest Hobby".

We are prepared to spend the rest of the time answering any questions that you may have.   To get things started we have come up with a few topics that we can start out with.

If you have any questions about this session or if you have any topics that you would specifically like us to cover please send us some EMail.   The link is at the bottom of the page.

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Last updated March 16, 2005